new exclusive project “NGHTWLKR” network webcomic… this is my first and if you and substack arrange it we will continue to do it….
Tag: updates on updates
[se01ep26] I’m not leaving but searching to expand
for those who afraid that I leave Vivaldi for substack – I’m not leaving, but I’m searching for multimedia capabilities, that Or any (almost) WP powered project lack… I […]
[se01ep25] It is where my substack story begins
I’ve been using the substack platform for a few days now, which has a good content (audio, video, photo) – multimedia system, but I want to warm up my legs […]
[se01ep16] Work after work, project after project (and fail after fail)
this week was the first IGNITE_FM 80*s virtual party, that we fail miserably. we decided to put it on TWTV, and it was our first mistake. the second mistake that […]
[se01ep07] Some LA8 News And full life’s events chronicle at [LA8] NIGHTWALKER memoryz here