eye level is my comfort zone…
I’m a strange creature, but it’s good to be strange…
yesterday, there was the Living Library, Create Culture Space in Vilnius.
I like to have a visual eye level, so I sat on the floor (stage) and told my story, at least what I thought was important at the time, is that not all mentally disabled people are cruel…. for some reason I wanted to touch on the subject of the media, for some reason it seemed relevant to me at that moment, in that space…. and it worked for me because my story caused silence. silence that could be cut with a knife.
my dreams and the story and the life that I told were appreciated with applause, and clapping that was not a lie, but I felt the energy that drove me to move and tell

weekly passes (old – man )
Last week, I was interviewed by LRT Plus journalist, Ilja. And he asked a question that after a while made me think about “stupid” questions in the Living Library…
At first, I was confused, but now I understand – that every question I hear during the interview is not “stupid”, it is a question in search of an answer, and the fact that you ask is already good. this is where their (“readers”) search for answers begins…
And, you know, I don’t need to thank you for the “courage” to speak, simply, every sharing of your story and life with a mental disorder speaks for those who are silent and don’t have the stupidity and openness to speak…